UMass Boston

General Medicine
All departmental services are located in the Quinn Administration Building, 2nd floor.
Phone: 617-287-5660
Fax: 617-287-3977
Counseling Center

24/7 Crisis Phone Support

Phone: 617.287.5690
Fax: 617.287.5507
Health & Wellness

Seasonal Flu

Influenza (flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and sometimes lungs. It causes mild to severe illness. The best way to prevent flu is by getting a flu vaccine each year.

Symptoms of the Flu

Flu symptoms usually come on suddenly and can range from mild to severe. Common symptoms include:

  • Fever or feeling feverish/chills
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue (tiredness)
  • Vomiting and diarrhea (more common in children than adults)

If you are feeling sick, we encourage taking a COVID-19 antigen test to rule out COVID-19. If you need to be seen by a healthcare provider, please make an appointment at UHS

When to Seek Emergency Medical Attention

Look for emergency warning signs for influenza:

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
  • Persistent dizziness, confusion, inability to arouse
  • Seizures
  • Not urinating
  • Severe muscle pain
  • Severe weakness or unsteadiness
  • Fever or cough that improves but then returns or worsens
  • Worsening of chronic medical conditions

If someone is showing any of these signs, call 911 or call ahead to a local emergency facility. Please call your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you. 

Period of Contagiousness

You may be able to spread flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as when you are sick with symptoms.

  • People with flu are most contagious in the first 3-4 days after their illness begins.
  • Some otherwise healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning one day before symptoms develop and up to five to seven days after becoming sick.
  • Young children and people with weakened immune systems might be able to infect others for an even longer time.

How Does the Flu Spread?

Flu viruses are spread mainly by tiny droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze, or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby. Less often, a person might get the flu by touching a surface or object that has the flu virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. 

Prevention and Treatment

How Can I Prevent Seasonal Flu?

  • Get Vaccinated: The first and most important step in preventing flu is to get a flu vaccine each year.

  • Everyday Preventive Actions: Stay away from people who are sick, cover coughs and sneezes, and wash your hands frequently to help slow down the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like the flu. 

Can the Flu Be Treated?

Yes. There are prescription medications called antiviral drugs that can be used to treat flu illness. CDC recommends prompt treatment for people who have flu or suspected flu and who are at higher risk of serious flu complications, such as people with asthma, diabetes, or heart disease.

There are several benefits to antiviral drugs:

  • Timely Treatment: Works best when started soon after the flu illness begins.
  • Symptom Reduction: Can lessen fever and flu symptoms and shorten the duration of illness by about one day if started within two days of symptom onset. 

What the benefits of antiviral drugs?

Antiviral treatment works best when started soon after the flu illness begins.

When treatment is started within two days of becoming sick with flu symptoms, antiviral drugs can lessen fever and flu symptoms and shorten the time you are sick by about one day. The CDC offers these details on what you should know about antiviral drugs.

Should I Get The Flu Vaccine?

Yes! Everyone 6 months and older should receive a flu vaccine every year. While antiviral drugs can treat the flu, they are not a substitute for getting vaccinated. 


University Health Services recommends that all students, faculty and staff receive the flu vaccine every year.

On-Campus Flu Shots

Osco Pharmacy Mobile Clinics (Students, Staff & Faculty)

UHS Flu Shots (Students only)

Students can self-book on their health portal under the "Appointments" tab or call 617-287-5660 to book an appointment with the front desk.

Off-Campus Flu Shots

  • Use the Vaccine Finder.

  • Check with Healthcare Providers: Your doctor, pharmacist, or community health center.

  • State Health Department: Contact for additional resources. 

  • Local Pharmacies: Check websites for available vaccination appointments. Walk-in appointments may also be available. 

Stay protected and help prevent the spread of influenza by staying informed and getting vaccinated annually.

General Medicine
All departmental services are located in the Quinn Administration Building, 2nd floor.
Phone: 617-287-5660
Fax: 617-287-3977
Counseling Center

24/7 Crisis Phone Support

Phone: 617.287.5690
Fax: 617.287.5507
Health & Wellness