UMass Boston

Research & Engagement

Research & Engagement

The College of Education and Human Development is committed to advancing our mission through community-engaged research and advocacy that responds to the needs of our Boston community and global community.

Centers & Institutes

The College of Education and Human Development is home to five centers and institutes. Two of those centers, the Institute for Community Inclusion and Institute for New England Native American Studies, are housed in the School for Global Inclusion and Social Development.

Institute for Community Inclusion

ICI is a research and training center that promotes the full inclusion of people with disabilities.

Institute for New England Native American Studies

INENAS develops collaborative relationships, projects, and programs between Native tribes of New England.

Center for Science and Mathematics in Context

COSMIC provides support for science teachers, developing curriculum materials and researching their effectiveness.

Institute for Early Education Leadership and Innovation

We train early educators in leadership, and researches ways to support them at scale.



The College of Education and Human Development is committed to serving our local community through various partnerships. Our students serve the local community in more than 100 schools, clinics, counseling centers, and various community organizations.

We are especially proud of our deep partnerships with


The College of Education and Human Development faculty engage in community-based projects serving our local urban community and larger global community.

Current projects include:

  1. BIRCh, a project designed to enhance the capacity of public schools to efficiently integrate behavioral health supports and develop systemic structures (e.g., policies and protocols) that allow for efficient integration of community services
  2. an interdisciplinary collaboration in early childhood education to ensure interdisciplinary preparation of master's level candidates across the disciplines of the Early Childhood Education and Care and School Psychology Programs
  3. a two-year $300,000 ADVANCE Catalyst grant to conduct a self-assessment regarding gender and racial equity among science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) faculty at UMass Boston, with the ultimate goal of developing a Five-Year Strategic Plan for STEM Faculty Equity
  4. field research in India, through which Assistant Professor of International Development Dolly Daftary is exploring the permeability of boundaries between caste, tribe and religion, and their intersections; Islamicate naming practices among subordinated castes and tribes; and becoming through connection rooted in histories of state-making, justice, and rule in Gujarat, the state considered the ‘laboratory’ of Hindu nationalism”