UMass Boston


Wei Zhang

Management Science & Info Sys
McCormack Hall Floor 05


DBA, Boston University, School of Management

ME, Renmin University of China, Institute of Information

BE, University of Science and Technology of China

Professional Publications & Contributions

  • Du, Kui, Li, G., Yu, G., and Zhang, W. "Architecting Inter-organizational Information Systems: The Case of Shanghai Health Information Exchange," MIS Quarterly Executive, 18(3), 2019, 175-189.
  • Li, Liang, Du, K., Zhang, W., and Mao, J.Y. "Poverty Alleviation through Government-led E-Commerce Development in Rural China: An Activity Theory Perspective," Information Systems Journal, 29(4), 2019, 914 - 952.
  • Li, L, Su, F., Zhang W., and Mao J.Y. (2018). "Digital Transformation by SME Entrepreneurs: A Capability Perspective," Information Systems Journal, 28(6), 2018, 1129 - 1157.
  • Bharati Pratyush, Zhang, W. and Chaudhury, A. "Better Knowledge with Social Media? Exploring the Roles of Social Capital and Organizational Knowledge Management," Journal of Knowledge Management, 19(3), 2015, 456-475.
  • Zhang, Wei , Gutierrez, O., and Mathieson, K. "Information Systems Research in the Nonprofit Context: Challenges and Opportunities", Communications of the Association for Information Systems, (27:1), 2010, 1-12
  • Zhang, Wei and Watts, S. “Capitalizing on Content: Information Adoption in Two Online communities,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems, (9:2), 2008, 73-94.
  • Zhang, Wei and Watts, S. “Online Communities as Communities of Practice: A Case Study.” Journal of Knowledge Management, (12:4), 2008, 55-71

Additional Information


  • September 2020 - Present, Professor, MSIS Department, College of Management, UMass Boston
  • September 2009 – June 2020, Associate Professor, MSIS Department, College of Management, UMass Boston
  • September 2003 – June 2009, Assistant Professor, MSIS Department, College of Management, UMass Boston
  • September 1997 – August 2003, Teaching/Research Assistant, IS Department, School of Management, Boston University
  • August 1996 – August 1997, Teaching/Research Assistant, MIS Department, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University

Courses Taught


  • Database Management Systems
  • Data Communication and Computer Networks
  • Introduction to MIS
  • Knowledge Management


  • Introduction to MIS
  • Knowledge Management
  • Business Data Communications & Computer Networks
  • Business Programming with Python

Research Interests

Knowledge Management, Strategic Use of Information Technology, Cultural and Cross-cultural Issues in Information Systems, Information Systems Education


  • Dean’s Excellence in Service Award, Fall 2020
  • Summer Research Fellowships 2019 in Strategy & Entrepreneurship for notable achievement in research. “Catalyzing Institutional Changes through Information Systems Implementation: An Activity-theoretic Analysis of Institutional Entrepreneurship in Developing Patient-Centered Medical Homes”
  • Betty Diener Graduate Teaching Award 2008
  • Faculty Scholarship Award 2011: “Victimized by Phishing: A Dual-Process Information Processing Perspective”
  • Faculty Scholarship Award 2006: “Do I Have to Learn Something New: User Acceptance of Replacement Technologies.” (with Peng Xu)
  • Faculty Scholarship Award 2005: “The Effect of Digital Word-of-Month on Consumer Choice.” (with Raymond Liu)
  • Faculty Scholarship Award 2004: “Student Adoption of Technology Enhanced Learning Environment.”