Souha Ballout
Area of Expertise
Community-based Research, LGBT Health, Global Health, Health Equity, Social Determinants of Health, Qualitative Research, Mixed Methods, Digital Health , Social Media
Professional Publications & Contributions
Additional Information
Dr. Ballout’s ultimate goal is to advance the science on health equity and her program of research focuses on understanding the impact of marginalization on health. Dr. Ballout works with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities to plan and conduct engaged and participatory research using mixed methods designs (e.g., qualitative quantitative, social media, and digital photovoice diaries). Her current funded research uses minority stress resilience, social ecological models and other equity frameworks to examine the intersections of social determinants on smoking habits and other health behaviors among transgender and gender expansive individuals. Also, Dr. Ballout is the current President of the Lebanese Medical Association for Sexual Health--LebMASH and works to promote equity in health in Lebanon with focus on sexual health and the health of marginalized groups such as LGBT individuals.